The UBL industry format was used as the basis for the sample data. 这里使用UBL行业格式作为示例数据的基础。
This article highlights only the HTML format by allowing a clickable hyperlink within the sample page. 通过支持范例页面内可点击的超链接,本文只是突出强调了HTML格式。
Both articles are written using a tutorial-like format, and you are encouraged to follow along with the instructions, or browse the provided sample code. 这两篇文章都采用指南的形式,同时也建议你阅读下面的说明或是浏览所提供的示例代码。
This article discussed the basic concepts of ProbeVue, including general format of a ProbeVue script, the VUE programming language, and a simple yet powerful sample program. 本文讨论了ProbeVue的基本概念,包括ProbeVue脚本的一般形式、VUE编程语言和一个简单但有意义的示例脚本。
The industry bundle for the IRS e-File 1120 format is used in this article to create a database and populate the same with sample XML documents, providing the first layer to an end-to-end XML architecture ( see Figure 2). 本文使用IRSe-File1120格式的行业包创建一个数据库,并以示例XML文档填充该数据库,以形成端到端XML架构的第一层(参见图2)。
This article compares the citations of Taiwan province with that of the mainland in quantity, type, language, and label format in library science periodicals. It also analyses the differences and similarity of those periodicals by sample investigation. 论文从定量的角度对我国大陆和台湾地区图书馆学期刊的引文进行了抽样调查,分析了两地期刊引文在数量、类型、语种及著录格式等方面的异同。
This paper firstly compares text file format with binary file format, then presents a new binary file format of vector map in a line data sample which is easy to be serialized and is convenient for developing Object-Oriented GIS. 比较了二进制文件与文本文件的优缺点,以线状数据为例设计了便于文档序列化、易于面向对象GIS开发的二进制矢量地图文件格式。
Our work is aimed to seek a method to realize VOD on a LAN by the streaming media technology in terms of RM and ASF file format. An actual VOD sample and the program code access to the video database are given. 本文即探讨在局域网上采用流媒体技术,以RM和ASF文件格式实现影视点播的方法,并给出了具体示例和调用影视数据库的代码。
The spatial data specification of EOO and its conversion to GML format is discussed and the data integration result was validated with Fujian Major Highway Database as a sample database. 重点介绍了EOO格式的空间数据规格定义以及向GML格式转换处理过程,并以福建省主要公路数据集为样本数据验证了集成结果。
For the diverse method of digitizing parts and the degree of point cloud integrity, a system method is presented to create the nicer STL format file rapidly, and the actor sample of turbine is given. The RE/ RP systems data integration is successfully realized. 针对工件数字化方法的不同,以及所测量点云数据的完整程度,给出了迅速生成良好STL数据文件的系统方法,并以涡轮STL数据生成为实例,成功地解决了RE/RP系统数据集成的问题。
By utilizing the projection pursuit to solve the complicated data format integration issue and the entropy and entropy weight principle, the method is applied to modify the weight of sample set. 通过引入投影寻踪算法解决了复杂样本的规格整合问题,通过应用信息熵的概念及熵权原理,对样本规整基础上的权重分配修正。
The main research work and contributions of it are as following: ( 1) On the basis of analyzing the storage format of grey images, a new sample augment method called bit-plane image sample augment method is proposed. 主要工作和贡献如下:(1)在分析灰度图像存储格式的基础上,提出了一种新的样本扩充方法:位平面图像样本扩充法。